The Wedding Wager Read online

Page 26

  “I protest, Uncle!” Laughing, Leonora threw herself into Morse’s waiting arms. “My fiancé was never a sow’s ear.”

  Morse kissed her then, reviving all the delicious memories of their morning tryst. How much more could they learn from each other of love and life in the years to come?

  Stirring from their kiss, Morse plucked the engagement ring from Leonora’s fist and placed it on her finger for safekeeping.

  “I must protest, too, Sir Hugo.” He laughed. “I do not fancy myself a silk purse.”

  “No, indeed.” Leonora caressed his freshly shaven cheek. “But certainly a fine leather wallet.”

  Omnia vincit amor: et nos cedamus amori.


  Love conquers all, so let us yield to love.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5981-5


  Copyright © 2001 by Deborah M. Hale

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